Watch To Win A Watch Conteststand a chance to win a Victorinox I.N.O.X watch

the contest is presented by Helios Watches

Three Simple question , Three simple Answers , Three winners!
Just answer the below questions to win exciting merchandise from Victorinox !

What kind of shock the INOX watch went through?
130 tests are done of an INOX WATCH ?True/False?
After the test what was the time showed by the INOX watch?

Do read the rules of the contest before participating

Do read  exciting terms and conditions:
1. Participants need to answer the question with #WatchToWinAWatch.
2. Participants can answer any question only once.
3. This is a league of three contests.
4. Three winners will be chosen from each contest.
5. The contest starts on Thursday and concludes on Saturday of every week. Any participation after conclusion will not be considered eligible.
6. All three winners from each contest would win Victorinox Swiss Army Knives.
7. A Bumper Lucky Draw after the completion of all three contests would be done where all the participants with correct answer stand a chance to win a Victorinox I.N.O.X watch.

participate here

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Watch To Win A Watch Conteststand a chance to win a Victorinox I.N.O.X watch
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